Henrik Bresman
Professor Bresman is an expert on distributed leadership and high-performance teams. He is the co-author of the top-selling book X-Teams: How to Build Teams that Lead, Innovate, and Succeed (published by Harvard Business School Press), which examines how teams at all levels can take on strategic leadership roles and change the direction of their firms. It also documents how top management can unlock the talent of the organization to create an infrastructure for innovation across their company.
His research on leadership and teams in contexts of technological innovation, international post-acquisition integration, and strategic change draws on data from industries such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, software development, and investment banking. His articles have appeared in peer-reviewed academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Organization Science. He has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Organization Science. His work has been profiled in many media outlets including Time Magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Forbes, and The Economist.
You can reach Henrik at henrik.bresman@insead.edu